Safe Small Events – Host For The Holidays

Safe Small Events Can Keep You Connected

In most places, large gatherings are restricted, but instead of canceling your plans for the holiday completely, host a smaller event instead. By following social distancing rules and keeping your event low key, you can still share the holidays with your friends and family. Not sure where to get started or even how to host Safe Small Events? Costumes For All Occasions has an easy to follow guide that will help you get the most out of your smaller-scaled holiday gatherings.

Refine Your Guest List For Safe Small Events

One of the most anticipated times of the year is the holidays. Most years this means parties, gatherings, and office soirees that will go down in water cooler history.  The holidays are a perfect time to gather with friends and family, or even with your coworkers to unwind reflect on everything wonderful in life. With the current restrictions on large gatherings, it is important to create a curated list of attendees that you really want to be there and who are likely to attend. It is a good idea to limit your parties to those who are not likely to bring additional guests, as well as those who are in generally good health.

Organize Properly

Staying organized is important even if you are having a smaller party than usual. With things how they are in the world, plans can change in the blink of an eye, so it is better to be over-prepared rather than underprepared. When you send out invitations, have your guest RSVP as well as sign up to Constant Contact. If this seems too complicated, you can also use Google Calendars for a no-fuss event tracking toil. Your guests easily update you if their availability changes and you can also create a schedule of things you need to complete before the big day. You can set your schedule for shopping, decorating, cooking, or even catering if that is what your event requires.

Focus on Creative Decorations

Champagne Decoration Dining Table Dish Dining Safe Small Events

There will be fewer people to take up space and hold attendees’ attention, so you can focus more on decor and personalized entertainment. Think about the theme of your event and take time to set things up in thoughtful, yet creative ways. We have a lot of decorations for just about every holiday and every occasion you can imagine. You can also check out some of our other posts for a birthday, Halloween, New Year’s, and Christmas party ideas for any size event.

Preserve Your Moments In Time At Safe Small Events

The moments you share with your friends and family this holiday should be remembered. One way to capture the moment is to offer disposable cameras to each guest. Another option is to hire a professional photographer to capture candid’s and group moments to share with your guest after your event is over. You can share them via social media, email, or even create a customized photo book keepsake to send out in the mail.

Pay Attention To Health & Handwashing

Safe Small Events Need Regular Handwashing

A day or two before the event it is a good idea to follow up with each of your guests. Ask them to perform a self checklist of common Covid-19 symptoms. If anyone suspects that are sick, or is just not feeling well, recommend that they skip the event but join the next one. You can also have one person in charge of live-streaming so those that are not able to attend in person can still join in on the fun. Hand washing should be a regular part of the evening. Ask your guest to wash their hands upon arrival and also several times during the event. This will help cut down on germ transmission and keep everyone at your holiday event safe.